ginger betrayal best reactions - i did appreciate your warmth? (arcane s2 ep9)

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • it's finally here! thanks for your patience, as usual. i plan to upload the jinx surprise hot air balloon attack or ekko in parallel universe (i still can't decide which haha). also the pit vi scene, it's on my list. thank u for enjoying my vids (these edits i do is from my blood sweat & tears fr).
    sub to our awesome reactors:
    carmen elaine
    • THIS IS HOW IT ENDS?! ...
    ur internet mom ash
    • Someone is Paying for ...
    • THE END?! *• LESBIAN R...
    gigii is watching
    • ARCANE officially brok...
    Meesh & Dee
    sapphixated (fka TLOU Explained)
    • always with you, sis |...
    Natalie Gold
    • The *ARCANE* Finale RU...
    Wee Lass Reacts
    • Losing My MIND!?! Arca...
    Morgan Reacts
    • Arcane Season 2 Episod...
    Jenni N KB
    • Is this REALLY the end...
    • ARCANE 2x9 "The Dirt U...
    • This Is It! The End Of...
    • Can Gay Love Save Rune...
    niall no chill
    • ARCANE!? more like AR-...
    tiktok clips from:
    @bosyaedits (ambessa edit)
    @dainzleif_ (bonus clip at the end)
    #arcane #arcane2 #arcaneleagueoflegends #mashup #reactions #caitvi #arcanemaddie #maddie #gay #wlw

Комментарии • 377

  • @lorrr_randomly
    @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +171

    you're hot cupcake best reactions:видео.htmlsi=uHeYyGgEDx6AFf9U
    arcane reactions playlist:

    • @SuccessakebinJosephmonday
      @SuccessakebinJosephmonday Месяц назад +3

      Well we love it keep doing what your doing.much love❤❤❤

    • @ClaudieTV
      @ClaudieTV Месяц назад +4

      Thank you for adding me again! Your editing is fantastic!

    • @rafaelcostadacruz254
      @rafaelcostadacruz254 Месяц назад +1

      Thank you!

    • @cronfort
      @cronfort Месяц назад +1

      you actually makes the best mashup reactions vids!! Keep it up

    • @Ellis_Hugh
      @Ellis_Hugh Месяц назад +1

      When you personally get hate mail because of how much people hated a character that you played, that just shows how well you did your job! Remember how much hatred poor Jack Gleeson (King Joffrey, GoT) received right up until his end came?

  • @bellablondon6172
    @bellablondon6172 Месяц назад +661

    Ashley’s look of pure disgust gets me every time, like she was genuinely so betrayed 💀

    • @megorelli
      @megorelli Месяц назад +18

      Right? It's pretty much identical to Cait's 😄

  • @taetoro
    @taetoro Месяц назад +733

    The emotion roller coaster in span of one minute from feeling betrayed by maddie, shock Cait get stab, scared Cait get execute, pissed by Maddie comment and then cheers of her get shot lmao the sequence is so chaotic yet sooo fun to watch 😂

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +31

      @@taetoro riiiight? i keep stopping from editing bcz im laughing for minutes😭

    • @taetoro
      @taetoro Месяц назад +10

      @lorrr_randomly Thank you so much for hard work, your editing always fun to watch!

    • @nindza79
      @nindza79 Месяц назад +5

      Maddie dies incredibly non-climactic, but there is a genius touch to the scene - that moment her head falls on Cait's shoulder - damn, they probably were in that same pose only hours ago, making out. What an "intimate" little detail to emphasize the complete twist that happened.

    • @user-jf6wc7pk6n
      @user-jf6wc7pk6n Месяц назад +2


  • @em.loves.dr.pepper
    @em.loves.dr.pepper Месяц назад +275

    7:05- 7:12
    I love how ash and Elijah had the same reaction right here 😂

  • @boredmarinerd808
    @boredmarinerd808 Месяц назад +871

    @claudietv the only one to catch that the bomb was last in Maddie’s possession and it was her all along…

    • @GigiSdrodro
      @GigiSdrodro Месяц назад +86

      Yeah she's so good at this,, not only, in her analyzes she managed to understand much more.

    • @ClaudieTV
      @ClaudieTV Месяц назад +88


    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +69

      @@boredmarinerd808 yes, i love claudie's observations. yet actually there was more, Wee Lass Reacts or Moscow also thought of it, she said Maddie sabotaged it. Also Morgan Reacts pointed that same thing, but I cut that part bc if I include all their analysis, this vid was gonna be longer huhuhu. (the rough cut of this vid was initially 32 mins hahahaha)

    • @thepollo115
      @thepollo115 Месяц назад +15

      @@ClaudieTVHELL YEAH CLAUDIE! also really enjoying your blue eye samurai videos btw, you are crushing it

    • @T1_KYCbHYB
      @T1_KYCbHYB 21 день назад +2

      ​@@ClaudieTVWe waiting you now to react to this compilation 😊

  • @jer9grant
    @jer9grant Месяц назад +352

    7:38 the simultaneous "what" "no" was one of my fave edits here 10/10

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +22

      I'm always editing my vids the way I would personally watch if I'm a viewer from RUclips too haha. Thank you for appreciating ❤

    • @ileniaab
      @ileniaab Месяц назад +2

      real same

  • @thealjohnsonshow2188
    @thealjohnsonshow2188 Месяц назад +469

    *"I did appreciate your warmth"*
    Props to the actress who played Maddie so well that people genuinely hated her, and cheered when she died.

    • @barney7822
      @barney7822 Месяц назад +8


    • @Catwithmask
      @Catwithmask Месяц назад +7

      This comment is so overused. The line alone is hate worthy, not just because of the voice acting

    • @asrieldreemurr7577
      @asrieldreemurr7577 14 дней назад +2

      ​@@Catwithmask while that may be true, delivery of lines like that is crucial to elicit a reaction of pure disgust and hatred from the viewers.

  • @juki2910
    @juki2910 Месяц назад +598

    Everyone: Vi save your girl please
    Jinx/Mel : hold my mental health

    • @Catwithmask
      @Catwithmask Месяц назад +38

      More like “hold my psychological issues”

  • @Halloweenish
    @Halloweenish Месяц назад +203

    4:45 “You don’t need to make a reveal, we recognize the haircut.”
    RIGHT? That almost-Bob was atrocious.

  • @Emily-v6m-o6q
    @Emily-v6m-o6q Месяц назад +160

    Love how everyone was reacting to maddie immediately but ash lol. Girl was SPEECHLESS.

    • @Emily-v6m-o6q
      @Emily-v6m-o6q Месяц назад

      Thank you for the heart randomly!!! ☺️

  • @animalx28
    @animalx28 Месяц назад +150

    "god forbid women have a side hustle" xD

  • @commandercritic9036
    @commandercritic9036 Месяц назад +216

    And just like that, Mel Madarda, the one nobody trusted because she was a politician, became EVERYONE’S QUEEN.

  • @Thatgurl_Teepee
    @Thatgurl_Teepee Месяц назад +99

    And everyone simultaneously said “Thank you, Mel” 😂😂😂
    I know I did 😂😂😂

    • @AwmanSessoms-ct9kw
      @AwmanSessoms-ct9kw Месяц назад +1


  • @jacobsow8202
    @jacobsow8202 Месяц назад +32

    Everyone else just annoyed,while Ash is disgusted

  • @petearundel166
    @petearundel166 Месяц назад +412

    Ah, how I love that insult
    ". . . little piss-biscuit!"

    • @GigiSdrodro
      @GigiSdrodro Месяц назад +15

      "Piss-biscuit" was hilarious!! 🤣🤣

    • @ClaudieTV
      @ClaudieTV Месяц назад +26

      I'm so so sorry, I genuinely don't know what came over me 🤣

    • @gifem507
      @gifem507 Месяц назад +21

      maddie creates the best insults when she is on screen lol, im still crying at "oompa loompa"

    • @petearundel166
      @petearundel166 Месяц назад +6

      @@ClaudieTV Some sort of divine inspiration?

  • @analino11
    @analino11 Месяц назад +37

    the "ewwww get off" kills me everytime 🤣

  • @ClaudieTV
    @ClaudieTV Месяц назад +609

    I'd like to personally apologise for the 'piss-biscuit comment', I genuinely don't know what came over me 🤣

    • @sithumiperera5212
      @sithumiperera5212 Месяц назад +64

      I loved that tho...and in a split second I've added it to my vocabulary reserved for insufferable people.Tanq for that.🙌🙌🙌🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💃💃💃😁😁😅😅😅😂😂

    • @KrissMiller90
      @KrissMiller90 Месяц назад +37

      It’s now an iconic line tho xD

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +52

      I love how you find your ways to use very creative words HAHAHAHA. Thank you for being here again, @ClaudieTV !❤

    • @boredmarinerd808
      @boredmarinerd808 Месяц назад +22

      @@ClaudieTV But…but it is now the stuff of internet legend!

      @ROCKYANDTABASCOLOVERR Месяц назад +13

      it’s true though? no need for apologizing for facts!!

  • @MaddieM1459
    @MaddieM1459 26 дней назад +31

    As someone named Maddie I kept laughing so hard hearing people seemingly yell at me 😂 loved the vid 👏🏻

  • @naeaeraa
    @naeaeraa Месяц назад +109

    ash is my spirit animal

    • @mari00m__
      @mari00m__ Месяц назад +12

      The way everyone was screaming at the Maddie reveal and she was just staring killed mee 😭

  • @elenaparker_808
    @elenaparker_808 Месяц назад +21

    The fact that she froze for 30 secs straight just caught me off guard. 😂

  • @limeydelight9621
    @limeydelight9621 Месяц назад +91

    I'm so glad you found Claudie, her entire reaction series is an absolute goldmine.

  • @benjaminosterloh3605
    @benjaminosterloh3605 Месяц назад +146

    Took me way too long to realize Elijah was apologizing to Katy Townsend, Maddie's voice actress, as opposed to Katie Leung, who was Caitlyn's voice actress.
    Smooth brain brains smoothly sometimes.

  • @kathrynharris8035
    @kathrynharris8035 28 дней назад +34

    the way bury your gays has people traumatised though, we really saw caitlyn get stabbed and went straight through the stages of grief to acceptance in like, half a second.

  • @beyondlimit4435
    @beyondlimit4435 Месяц назад +39

    Omg the rant and hate at Maddie at 9:30 is so freaking funny 🤣

  • @hungryrabbiddawg
    @hungryrabbiddawg Месяц назад +45

    BRO! The split screens of Elijah, Achara, Meesh, and Natalie "What, NO!" was a STROKE OF GENIUS!!! Amazing editing as always, I love how you highlight so many parts of these reactions. So well done!

  • @MeeshDeeReacts
    @MeeshDeeReacts Месяц назад +193

    Lmaoo thank you for including us into your video! Good to know we aren’t the only UNHINGED ones when it came to the Maddie betrayal 🤣
    Keep up the great work!! 🙌🏼

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +13

      @@MeeshDeeReacts huhuhuhu, HELLOOOOO. THANK YOU FOR NOTICING MY WORK (I also have included your channel to my Maddie jumpscare reactions hahaha). I love you both! Thank you so much

    • @rafaelcostadacruz254
      @rafaelcostadacruz254 Месяц назад +3

      You two are amazing!

    • @AwmanSessoms-ct9kw
      @AwmanSessoms-ct9kw Месяц назад +1


  • @seanbarber1452
    @seanbarber1452 Месяц назад +52

    The impact frame of Maddie makes this sooooo much more satisfying.

  • @georgepucke6329
    @georgepucke6329 17 дней назад +10

    I love when they react to “ I did appreciate your warmth” and Ambessa Entrance too funny

  • @supremeleaderoofpoof
    @supremeleaderoofpoof Месяц назад +22

    "Thank you Mel!" We all say in unison.

  • @desertstar35
    @desertstar35 Месяц назад +17

    "This is what songs are written about." Damn straight! Ambessa might be a first-class badass, but Mel is a GODDESS!

  • @funsizedenby
    @funsizedenby Месяц назад +21

    Ashley just fully dissociating😂

  • @jinxysaberk
    @jinxysaberk Месяц назад +29

    i love how violently everyone reacts to i appreciated your warmth. What a revolting thing to say 😭😭

    • @S9staryu
      @S9staryu Месяц назад +2

      The writers did WORK!

  • @keyronkathrynekathrynkeyron
    @keyronkathrynekathrynkeyron Месяц назад +38

    Ash is the best reaction 😂😂😂

  • @The666tyson666
    @The666tyson666 Месяц назад +61

    😂😂😂 piss biscuit 😂😂😂 11:20 the middle fingers omg
    12:07 Claudie being a teenager again XD
    Thanks for the vid I had so much fun ❤

  • @crisssstopher
    @crisssstopher Месяц назад +52

    in my opinion IAmZamber has the best reaction out of them all. it's just soo funny because she went from being maddie's number one fan to absolutely hating her AND CRYING OVER IT TOO LMAO

  • @Clockwork312
    @Clockwork312 Месяц назад +13


  • @JackDespero
    @JackDespero Месяц назад +23

    I find it so funny that the person with the French accent was the first one to think and say "sabotage".
    The partisan blood runs thick, I guess.

  • @thomaspond4080
    @thomaspond4080 Месяц назад +42

    Someone said I did appreciate your warmth to me it’s over for them, especially with the bull-cut Girl🤣🤣🤣

  • @deithlan
    @deithlan Месяц назад +26

    I. Am. LIVING for these compilations, they’re so amazing but so few that I have to watch them multiple times
    Please don’t stop!!!

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +2

      huhu, thank you for appreciating! it's rlly rlly hard to edit this for me, this takes me days and days (since im using a windows 11, 2nd hand computer bcz im poor like that hahahaha) but I try my best to produce content quality (something I would personally watch if I'm a RUclips viewer haha) again, thank you for watching❤

    • @deithlan
      @deithlan Месяц назад +1

      @lorrr_randomly that’s great work! Thank you so much!
      I especially love your videos specifically because you do amazing and funny compilations. You don’t mash up every compilation at once making one huge unintelligible mess. So thank you!

  • @indestructikillerotaku8808
    @indestructikillerotaku8808 Месяц назад +38

    Video of the year, you deserve an Oscar for this !
    I'm so happy to see shots of ClaudieTV Arcane reactions in this one.
    Anger & Joy in few little seconds, it's always delicious 🤣🤩😋👏

    • @ClaudieTV
      @ClaudieTV Месяц назад +8


    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +1

      @@indestructikillerotaku8808 thank you for appreciating this vid!

  • @Citycrows
    @Citycrows Месяц назад +17

    I love how ambessas moment up the stairs everyones just like 😮

  • @ericbrower611
    @ericbrower611 Месяц назад +9

    That smirk on Embazza's face? Yeah, she was *goading* Caitlin into attacking her.
    Also Mel's entrance; no words, just the doors slowly opening to show her just standing there. Her hood up, her mage tattoos glowing. Perfection.

  • @ugandanbasement5020
    @ugandanbasement5020 Месяц назад +43

    "hey random person i am randomly welcome to my random channel" niiccccceeee

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      thanks for not skipping that part 😂

    • @Wip-u4p
      @Wip-u4p Месяц назад +1

      ​@@lorrr_randomlyIt's a key part, and I fr got jump scared by it the first time
      (It was the boombaya episode reaction ❤)

  • @JohnJohn-jz9or
    @JohnJohn-jz9or 6 дней назад +3

    0:21 “oh they gotta nuke the EGGEH👹” 😂😂😂😂

  • @Liam-w4o7x
    @Liam-w4o7x Месяц назад +7

    Everyone: WHAT?!?!!
    Ashley: 👁👄👁

  • @DevsStoryForge
    @DevsStoryForge Месяц назад +13

    Everyone literally cheering at Maddie’s demise 😅 Also I can’t with the “Witch is Dead” song at the end 👌🏼😂

    • @AwmanSessoms-ct9kw
      @AwmanSessoms-ct9kw Месяц назад +2


  • @lizbodgaming
    @lizbodgaming Месяц назад +13

    I LOVE these reaction videos 😂 "Don't give her music....Don't give her a moment" 😂

  • @بشیرنعمانی
    @بشیرنعمانی Месяц назад +8

    5:24 her face is is golden 😂😂😂 hahahaha

  • @sapphixated
    @sapphixated Месяц назад +18

    this was my favourite edit so far!!! sooo funny omfg😂

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      omg you're so early😭 i rlly appreciate that you watch my vids! and yesss i love your aggressive reaction in this HAHAHAHAHA

  • @KaydenWashington-jh4lf
    @KaydenWashington-jh4lf Месяц назад +7

    I love how everyone has done there reaction but ash is still flabbergasted😂😂

  • @aukacora
    @aukacora Месяц назад +10

    this cut is very goodddd!!! i love to see how everyone react!!! this scene is very impact to everyone!!!

  • @autumn3978
    @autumn3978 6 дней назад +2


  • @cryptidian3530
    @cryptidian3530 Месяц назад +8

    The group elation we felt when Maddie capped herself was peak.

  • @PetuhParkuuh
    @PetuhParkuuh 18 дней назад +5

    Great editing girl.....I haven't seen such good editing from any reaction channel before...
    i was so invested in it....🔥🔥🔥

  • @Izuku_midoryia-k9f
    @Izuku_midoryia-k9f Месяц назад +12

    3:29 her face just says “hell no..”

  • @SilverScribe85
    @SilverScribe85 Месяц назад +10

    Elijah's reaction toward the possibility of the show killing off Caitlyn...that was my EXACT response to the possibility of Amaya and/or Janai suffering the same fate during one season of Dragon Prince

  • @kishi1_
    @kishi1_ Месяц назад +5

    I love it!!!! Please more of this!!! Like reactions of the final

  • @sachiellovesyou
    @sachiellovesyou 2 дня назад +2

    9:47 stop i love Ashley sm she's so funny 😭

  • @Jelaie
    @Jelaie Месяц назад +3

    I totally agree rewatching that scene when Maddie was shot, it helps me relieve some trauma in Arcane.

  • @TortelliniR0lls
    @TortelliniR0lls Месяц назад +14

    2:55 He‘s speaking facts 😭😭

    • @unclebobboomergames
      @unclebobboomergames Месяц назад +2

      Ambessa is for every whiff of smoke. Cait and Mel needed to double team for a fair fight

  • @justinkim9756
    @justinkim9756 Месяц назад +7

    This was a fun edit! I like how you cut clips together to make them more entertaining, rather than just playing them one after another.

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      @@justinkim9756 thank you for enjoying and appreciating my work!

  • @matthewpaul6904
    @matthewpaul6904 12 дней назад +2

    That look on Cait's face when Maddie's body slumps onto her, like "EW, DON'T TOUCH ME!"

  • @AnthAnath8641
    @AnthAnath8641 Месяц назад +6

    4:24 This felt personal for Mosco 😂

  • @MasonRamon-n6c
    @MasonRamon-n6c Месяц назад +5

    They literally needed magic to take Mbesa out 😂😂😂. Goddess of war. Like legendary Veteran hahaha

  • @crisssstopher
    @crisssstopher Месяц назад +12

    i love the mel glaze

  • @Flippohoyyy
    @Flippohoyyy 25 дней назад +2

    3:42 LMAO that instant space press 😂

  • @yellowchippy
    @yellowchippy Месяц назад +5

    The "noooo" when cait gets stabbed lol

  • @crybbyrosa420
    @crybbyrosa420 Месяц назад +4

    Ash's reaction is the best lmaoooooo

  • @tozy_cozy3511
    @tozy_cozy3511 Месяц назад +5

    best use of cuts and combining clips of reactions I’ve seen, your comedic timing is amazing!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I will watch as many as you put out even if you recap every major scene from entire show

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      @@tozy_cozy3511 huhuhu, i put a lot of effort making these edits. thank you for appreciatingggg 😭

  • @3sme.11
    @3sme.11 12 дней назад +2

    Seriously ClaudTv has the most real reaction before Maddies betrayal it’s literally making me wheeze 😭💀

  • @Ryko175
    @Ryko175 Месяц назад +3

    10:22 And that's how in 2 seconds Mel became a top contender for being the G.O.A.T

  • @CDoranG
    @CDoranG Месяц назад +11

    The stabbing moment and the ricochet… It’s like watching the Night King catching Arya again.
    All Reactors: Yes! Nooo! YEEEESSS!!!

  • @chelseyexists
    @chelseyexists Месяц назад +5

    (I'm actually obsessed with your edits now btw)
    Its like you take one of the best moments, capture all of the vibes, and then flawlessly add in clips from across the fandom as they had their first initial reaction - I know I can't go back and watch arcane for the first time again, but these almost feel like a close second 💙Oh, how nice it is to re-experience the shock the vindicated rage at a certain ginger piss-biscuit, and know I wasn't the only one cheering when she ended!

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +1

      awww, thank you chelseyyy. you're quite familiar to me now bcz u keep commenting your kind words! thank you so much! it melts my heaaarttt ;))

  • @tenjenk
    @tenjenk Месяц назад +12

    Maddie falling on Cait's shoulder = some lifelong trauma for Caitlyn

    • @avaarnejo1170
      @avaarnejo1170 Месяц назад +2

      when we see caitlyn and maddie intimately for the first time together, maddie was also leaning on cait's shoulder 😂

  • @PatriceBrown-t5h
    @PatriceBrown-t5h Месяц назад +6

    That cruel grin she gave after saying that proves she was a rat the whole time.

  • @bigsteve1966
    @bigsteve1966 Месяц назад +5

    Ding Dong the witch is dead, LMAO LoL I'm dying of laughter

  • @anneackram6809
    @anneackram6809 10 дней назад +1

    Ok, i joined this channel only to watch these group reaction, love them❤❤😂

  • @elishaverge3214
    @elishaverge3214 Месяц назад +28

    We need the reaction to Jinx, Ekko, and the Nation of Zaun to come to the rescue, because when I tell i cheered and screamed loud i mean I SCREAMED AND CHEERED SO F^^KING LOUD!!!!!

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +5

      I decided... that's what im gonna do next. stay tuned next weekend!

    • @hi-ta-ko
      @hi-ta-ko Месяц назад +2

      ​@@lorrr_randomlycan I be annoying and ask for the reaction to Vi saying Cupcake after a long break? 😅
      I think that will be hilarious too
      But on a serious note - thank you for your work! I watch these reactions every day now

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      @@hi-ta-ko actually... it's also on my list. also the "you're hot cupcake" in season 1. i will try my best to find time haha. thanks!

    • @hi-ta-ko
      @hi-ta-ko Месяц назад +1

      @@lorrr_randomly thank you!

  • @CandyTheDog
    @CandyTheDog Месяц назад +7

    I love how everyone looks so offended when they see Muddy😂

  • @jaguarsfan08
    @jaguarsfan08 Месяц назад +3

    When mel became everyone's favorite

  • @Natrime
    @Natrime Месяц назад +3

    The montage quality is insane thank you for that !

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      @@Natrime the cuts of every vid I edit are like 500-1000+😭 thanks for appreciating!!!

  • @artvrl
    @artvrl Месяц назад +14


  • @tomarnold7284
    @tomarnold7284 Месяц назад +2

    Great Work! Could have made it earlier because I did go over just about every reaction video for that scene. 😂

  • @blinkspacestudio8892
    @blinkspacestudio8892 Месяц назад +5

    I was not surprised in the slightest she was no VI

  • @JuliaClaire26
    @JuliaClaire26 Месяц назад +2

    When I saw the thumbnail, I was like “mad die?” Then I remember the ginger’s name and like “huh! That’s a great pun. MAD DIE”.
    My brain did not comprehend that it was simply just “MADDIE” 😅

  • @yurintroubl
    @yurintroubl Месяц назад +19

    ClaudieTV, Nyx and Meesh&Dee... My... Quadfecta? Eh... Just slide me in anywhere in there. Just watched this on my break during a 12hr shift. Thank you randomly! SUBSCRIBED!

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +1

      huhu, thank you for appreciating and supporting!

  • @kpopunofficialchannel7397
    @kpopunofficialchannel7397 Месяц назад +5

    I do love that we all collectively hate, HATE, Maddie, that fills me with joy ☺️

  • @craigetienne5937
    @craigetienne5937 Месяц назад +13

    12:08 AGAIN! 😂

  • @Caelifer
    @Caelifer Месяц назад +2

    Whos the funny little British fellow?? I love them!😂

  • @emarpiee
    @emarpiee Месяц назад +2

    Keep doing this type of edit, this deserves a subscribe

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      @@emarpiee after I fix my stuff, I will get back with editing reactions like this! thank you❤️

  • @viviendi66
    @viviendi66 Месяц назад +4

    Just loooove how hating Maddie brought us all together 🥰

  • @naylaw1928
    @naylaw1928 Месяц назад +3

    1:51 I relate to that thought process on a cosmic level anytime I feel like I'm overreacting or I'm about to freak out that's 9x out of 10 with my thought process sounds like before I 8x outta 10 crash out anyway

  • @bigsteve1966
    @bigsteve1966 Месяц назад +15

    You have a talent for this.... I can't stop laughing at these reactions please, please do more I love them, great job 👏👏

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад +1

      thank you for these nice words! i do rlly love editing this way.

  • @Nix-Kiramman
    @Nix-Kiramman Месяц назад +16

    @claudietv is hilarious. Loved watching her react to these scenes. 😂

  • @lightningreaperthomaz
    @lightningreaperthomaz 18 дней назад +1

    Napakagaling Master!! Thank u for this, more vids of arcane s2 👊🏼😁

  • @euweslley
    @euweslley Месяц назад +2

    omg this was so funny I cried. nice job putting them together

  • @Brandon_SkaR
    @Brandon_SkaR Месяц назад +6

    8:18 had me rolling 😂😂😂

  • @TamunaTati
    @TamunaTati Месяц назад +15

    All I was thinking watching this scene and Cait, Mel vs Ambessa fight was SHE CANT DIE, THEY(writers) CANT KILL HER… and honestly I’d die inside if Cait didn’t survived… I mean Im still not over about her gorgeous eye… she’s still stunning tho💙💙

  • @keyronkathrynekathrynkeyron
    @keyronkathrynekathrynkeyron Месяц назад +8

    9:40 to 10:05
    Is the best 😂😂😂😂

  • @Subheadsho
    @Subheadsho Месяц назад +5

    Love the edits! Keep em going :)

    • @lorrr_randomly
      @lorrr_randomly  Месяц назад

      will do! new vids every week! thanks for supporting and appreciating