Magnus Found his Next Successor! Alireza VS Magnus
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Watch as Alireza Firouzja takes on Magnus Carlsen at the 2024 Norway, round 9, ARMAGEDDON style chess. White has 10 minutes while Black pieces has 7 minutes. Thia is what happens when the best players in the world go head-to-head! Such a complex position! Comment below and tell me about your thoughts on the game!
/ chessi_xhesi
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Alireza is a genius for sure but his endgame skill is not yet at the same level as Magnus’.
Alireza was playing a very impressive game but he blundered in the end and that's where magnus recovered other wise alireza was completely fine with the position
thats whats hard to beat in magnus, other players cant contain magnus mental consistency throughout the game that players will unexpectedly blunder because magnus brings his enemies positions that are hard to maintain and easy to blunder
You can't loose if you did not blunder. That's what is chess.
@@bellabouboulethiothio5596Nope you can lose without making any blunders
@@williamrobert9898 you cannot lose without making any mistakes or inaccuracies, at that point you are a engine.
@@genox633 you just proved yourself wrong
He is just good at end games. That's it. He plays with a fortress at the start and in the middle and plays well in end game
it’s the end game which is the most difficult to master, especially with time limit.
Yea its so annoying dude. But if u did it urself it’s satisfying just because it’s difficult
Atleast 13 yrs old magnus..still very strong...its not weak...remember magnus name is being #1 world GM..or maybe the Goat ...for my opinion....😀
Kasparov at his top shape (35 years old)could beat current Magnus.
@@32523Bwahahaha doubt.
Plus back in Kasp's days there were not the concurrence there is today, and the skills are beyond due to the fact that chess players do have sponsors nowadays so they're able to do it for a living, which means they do train 24/7. Today's level is on another dimension believe it or not.
Like, today there are thousands of GMs, during Kasp time there were only 250 or so and they were playing only during their free time
Magnus has outstanding endgame skills that make him stand out from other top players. He plans his middlegame strategy carefully to turn the game in his favor. Often, it seems like he might lose, but in the end, we see it was part of a deep plan that even other grandmasters couldn’t spot.👌👌👏🙇♂️
12:02 Queen A2 missed by Magnus 😊
Dc4+ ?
Q takes pawn e6 was the real blunder
He could have simply pushed the pawn on b4 ,if black pushed his pawn downward blocking the other pawn ,knight could have taken that simply or if he takes the b4 pawn then simply promote the a4 pawn to queen .....even if that wouldn't happened ,that was a very nice threat and black was forced to end up the attack and look after that pawn
BTW this idea is presented by me ,myself:a 600 elo player ,and I just thought that it might have worked in the game can be a mistake an inaccuracy or a blunder so plzz forgive me in that case😅😅
i thought the same
He is so good he doesn't skip a beat
Forgive me, but I STILL don’t know if it were a draw or if Magnus resigned and I don’t have time to figure it out. What happened ?
Magnus won.
Kg5 -+
Why he didn't take rook with knight at 1:19
Maybe because giving a knight for a rook is the same as giving a pawn for a knight, but in the second scenario Alireza destroy the pawn structure of Magnus.
Only a suggestion im not a strong player
Yeah. It bugged me that he didn't take it, but I'm low elo and have no clue what future they saw on the board 😅
Guess what? Pragg will dominate the world chess just wait and watch 🎉
Pragg lost from everyone at the candidates
You have no clue what you talk about Gukesh has a better chance at WCC than Pragg
He will 👑👑
Prag crumbles under pressure.
Pragg is great, but honesty alireza is better
Who won?
It’s almost pointless watching without seeing the time clock….
12:02. My instinct says Pony takes pawn. White has that advantage. Can someone say what the computer would play?
Там ничья, если брать пешку,
His next successor maybe , but not for a goood while it seems !
Why 0:47 he didn't moved to d5? It was free bishop to kill.
This video aged pretty bad
Who won
Seharusnya pion h4 no kuda 🐎 B3 no pion h4 Alireza ok good 5:13
alireza 🇮🇷
He could have taken the rook with the horse, 1.23, why? PL explain.
Because, Knight e3 pins queen and rook. if he takes knight with the pawn then Bishop takes pawn is the Beautiful check forced king to move h1, then its danger for white as Bishop to f4 can't do anything , mate in next 2 moves. That's why he takes Knight with the e4 Pawn.
Why Alireza didnt moved the fuching knight
So, who's WIN ?
Meanwhile Sagar Shah trying to be a salesman for praggnandha and gukesh. People know he is selling snakeoil.
That was obviously draw i don't know why he did rook a2 he could have take d5 easily. He overlooked or something. That was very weird
Maybe the time runs out for him anyway…
sorry but alireza need at least 5 more years to be close to magnus level. his level now is like 13 y.o magnus
that means magnus 18yr old?
@@Histto😂😂 nice
Alireza >>
5 years, or 5 months😂
Nah bro he is better then 13 y.o magnus
Alireza moves are so wick, his pieces keeps on veing in a less powerful position, that queen trade should ve much sooner
Carlsen juaranya aku nyimak hadir 👍🙏❤️
They can just surpass magnus if only they can squeeze water out of a stone
Gukesh be like, hold my tea
Alireza>>>all indians
I think they switched clothes colours by mistake 😂
Magnus face is concave
Alireza missed Ne7+
Todos sabemos que el heredero al trono es Faustino Oro
Nah Alireza is not as good as Magnus (you can see it in the ratings) , but he definetly has something that specially gets Magnus off guard
He plus Magnus have a similar vibe to them
You dumb if just judge by rating
Only one erigaisi
yet another unimpressive win
Just because you can’t comprehend doesn’t mean it’s not impressive or skillful 🤡
@@LOGANoAce I’m better than you at chess lol
it’s literally equal at the end
@@rooksman64 Comparing us is irrelevant child, and you couldn’t be more wrong. Go practice buddy. The bar is computer mindset moves, the brains strategy is completely different ✌🏽
@@rooksman64 hence why it went from “equal” to losing in seconds. 💡💡💡✌🏽
@@LOGANoAce yea smartass because Alireza blundered in time pressure
there’s no dominance demonstrated
He could easily take d5 but made a blunder by picking rook A2
.. btw game is good
Prag laughing in the corner
His next successor? LOL.
so who is win? they just shake hand
In chess the one who shakes hand first means he resigns.
@@worshipthecreatornotthecre760 wich means?
I don’t think so
I dont think so we have Abdusattorov, Nodirbek and Wesley So.
Abdussatorov is better in my opinion but he can't be called "magnus successor"
Oyun sonunda magnusa karşı kimsenin şansı yok!
Who wins?????
magnus bro. ali resigned
And the winner is Arnold Schwarzenegger
It was a draw not resign, so no one one won the game
Magnus won dude @@phpguy
I’ve got the same question 😂
ماشالا علیرضا....تا همین جا هم عالی بود....
Салам алейкум всем любителям шахмат
Mohmmad was not prophet
alireza fraco sucumba ao martelo de thor!
Klo lh Alireza makan benteng keknya dia akan lebih cepat menang timbang kuda bagus benteng poinya beda
praggnanandhaa is the next magnus fr
Why Alireza use left hand to move that ilegal???
Alireza debió capturar el alfil con caballo y las cosas se le ponían mejor
1:20 sabes porque el blanco no capturó la torre con el caballo??
También me pregunto lo mismo, torre era mejor capturar @@KingB77
@@KingB77que préfères, una torre o dos caballos?
So boring chess. GM's where is your checkmate game? Always just a moves and moves and no fun.
This is the classical chess clean and safe the and tricks are in blitz
Republic Islamic Iran. ❤